Finally, she's half human and moving again!

Dover, NH to Littleton, Massachusetts
101.4 Miles
Sunny to a downpour
What a gorgeous day, and how good to be back on the road again!
This was after a fun day yesterday – saw the chiropractor for the last time, after dropping Penny for a visit to her beauty shop. Then took a short wander around the Portsmouth area, and back into Maine to treat myself to a lobster lunch!! They
offered a special ‘claws and tail’ – three claws and one tail – so not all the messy work of cleaning it all myself! Lazy, I know, but it was fun and pretty and yummy!!

Anyway, today - sunny, blue skies, and as I said, gorgeous, but hot and muggy. It reached the high 90s before the day ended and the humidity kept pace! There is something to be said for a “dry heat”!!
Lovely two lane road – huge sunflowers so heavy they couldn’t hold up their heads! Water lilies by the score on the many ponds in the area! Lots of neat steeples and bridges,
to make my day!

July in September! Soccer matches and football games and baseball games in all the playing fields! Farmers markets and yard sales! A perfect weekend day!

Must have been a big car show somewhere
today – saw many old classic cars glowing with the loving care they obviously received! Including one ’31 Ford with a unique addition – a large set of cojones hanging from the rear bumper!

Pulled into Chichester for an oil change, and came out to total overcast. Oh well, it was pretty while it lasted!
Passed through Manchester, along the Merrimack River – pretty area!! Amid the cloud bursts!
Stopped in Nashua, which bills itself as the “Best Place to Live in America”! It has a Costco, (which is why I visited – had to stock up on some basics) so it has that much going for it!
Crossed the border into Massachusetts as the sky darkened. Found the Boston Minutemen Campground and hooked up just moments before the sky opened up! Thunder, lightning, rain and more rain!

But, ignoring the weather, which went from 97 yesterday to 62 this afternoon (Sunday) as I write this, this is one of the nicest parks I’ve visited in months! They go out of their way to be sure the parking areas are level, and that is a real treat! Parking spots are all catawampus so there is lots of space around each camper. Quality picnic tables in good condition at each site. Nice, nice park! Might stay for a few days.
Partly because I’ve finally received word from Gulf Stream that they will perform a little more work on my coach. There has been a major turnover in personnel – certainly needed, in my totally unbiased opinion! :o) They had originally wanted me to return to California where I spent a most unpleasant month in January. I suggested that since I was as far from there as possible, perhaps someplace closer to the east coast would be workable? Last night, I received an email from the Director of Parts and Dealer Services (??) suggesting a place in Connecticut. I’ll give them a call tomorrow and see what falls out!
Boston Minuteman Campground