In my eyes!
I’ve been told I’m not painting an accurate picture of this wonderful little piece of paradise I’m enjoying.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, as they say. I choose to paint the picture as I see it.
It’s true that this little village lives on the absolute edge of poverty. The majority of the little shacks have patched walls of sheet metal scraps, tarps and wood. But most of the little yards are clean, and many have flowers. And, many have satellite dishes.
Most of the roads are dirt, although at some point in history, someone paved one of the main roads with very evenly laid brick!
There is very little debris. Every morning, the shop keepers sweep the sidewalks, such as they are.
There are almost as many dogs as people, but, as with the people, the vast majority of them are well mannered and friendly. As opposed to many of the dogs, and people, who visit this spot. I’ve seen more ill-mannered dogs here, traveling with their people, than I care to count. One little mutt camped at this park, with two other dogs and countless people, has viciously blind-sided Penny twice, for no apparent reason other than that she is happy and cute!
Annette and I have agreed that the Canadian visitors are far and away nicer folks than the majority of U.S. visitors. Which is not to say we haven’t met some delightful folks from all over.
The visitors who have brought their money and their desire for beachfront have moved to the ‘other’ end of town – new Kino Bay – where the beach doesn’t have as many scruffy kids or fish heads washing up on the beach with the tides. It also doesn’t have the beautiful shells washing in with the tides. Or as many of the pelicans I love so much. Or the fun little markets and tiny cafes. Or Luigi’s Pizzeria. And it’s such a long drive – about 6 miles, that most of those folks don’t come into old town to spend any of their money. So the fishermen get on their bikes or in their old trucks and take their daily catch to them.
I’m again a little disenchanted with the ‘ugly American’. There are many many really good Americans, but just one or two of the other kind make such a bad impression. I’m reminded of the days when I was lucky enough to be able to do a lot of traveling. There were many occasions when I denied being an American when surrounded by a bunch of the clouts!
One of those folks pulled into the park yesterday. He walked up to my space and asked when I was leaving. Because I was in his space. He comes here every year and wants the space where he always parks, now! I have to head home earlier than I had planned, because little Penny has started having seizures or little strokes or heart attacks or something, and she needs to see her doctor. If that wasn’t the case, I’d for sure stay longer, just out of spite!
Enough of this little tirade – it’s a glorious morning, and I’m going out to enjoy my gorgeous paradise while I can!