Friday, May 11, 2007


Summer is here! Hot, Hot, Hot, and not a breath of air this morning! The sea was glass, the bugs were in heaven, and no matter - it's still gorgeous.

Of course, when the power went out all over town at about 9:30, that did not portend well. Thank gawd for generators! But I heard that it was just a 'periodic maintenance to wash off the salt accumulation', and power came back on in about 25 minutes!

If you gotta be someplace hot, this is the place to be!

Think I'll go make a pitcher of margaritas!

Oh yeah - can't remember if I mentioned the park doggie before, but Paloma is a love. She came rushing to greet me as soon as I opened the door of my coach after I parked. She looks so much like my sweet old Talkalot (except considerably more chubby and with longer legs!) that I wonder if he dropped by for a spiritual visit! Sure miss that ol' doggie, and he'd love this place, as would Bailey. As does Penny!!!

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